Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Blocked Fallopian tubes and effects on fertilitytility

The female reproductive system is made up of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. If a medical problem has affected any of these three areas, it may make getting pregnant more difficult.

Each of the two ovaries is connected to the uterus by a fallopian tube. The ovaries store eggs and release them randomly, with one ovary releasing an egg each month.

For example, the right ovary might release an egg for 3 months in a row, and then the left ovary might release an egg the following month. If one fallopian tube is blocked, it may still be possible for an egg to be fertilized. If both are blocked, this is less likely.


Signs and symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes

Blocked fallopian tubes are one possible cause of female infertility. There are usually no symptoms, but there are some risk factors that can increase the chance of developing the condition. The medical term for a blocked fallopian tube is tubal occlusion.


The fallopian tubes are muscular tubes that are lined with delicate hair-like structures. These “hairs” work in both directions; helping an egg to travel from the ovaries down to the womb (uterus) and helping sperm travel up from the womb. Each fallopian tube ends in fimbriae, which are finger-like structures. The fimbriae catch and guide an egg when the ovary releases it.

The fallopian tubes play an important role in conception because they are where most eggs are fertilized. If any part of the fallopian tube is damaged, for example by surgery or an infection, they can become blocked by scar tissue.


Blocked fallopian tubes do not often present symptoms other than difficulty conceiving. Doctors typically class this as having tried to conceive for one / two year without success.

A blocked fallopian tube may cause some women to experience symptoms such as pain in the pelvis or belly. This pain might happen regularly, such as around the time of their period, or be constant. Sometimes, a blockage in a fallopian tube can cause a fertilized egg to get stuck. This is known as an ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy may not always cause symptoms and is usually detected during a scan. However, some woman may experience signs of pregnancy, such as stomach pain on one side of the body, or vaginal bleeding. Any woman who suspects she has an ectopic pregnancy should seek immediate medical attention.
Fallopian tubes can become blocked for a range of reasons, which include:
  • a history of pelvic infection
  • a previous burst appendix
  • having had a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia
  • endometriosis, a condition that causes the lining of the womb to grow outside of the uterus
  • history of abdominal surgery
  • hydrosalpinx, which is swelling and fluid at the end of a fallopian tube
All of these conditions can affect the fallopian tubes directly or this area of the body. In most cases, these conditions or procedures create scar tissue that can block the tubes.

Blocked fallopian tubes can be difficult to identify. The tubes can open and close, so it is not always easy to tell if they are blocked or just closed.

There are three key tests to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes:
  • An X-ray test, known as a hysterosalpingogram or HSG. A doctor injects a harmless dye into the womb, which should flow into the fallopian tubes. The stain is visible on an X-ray. If the fluid does not flow into the fallopian tubes, they may have a blockage.
  • An ultrasound test, known as a sonohysterogram. This is very similar to the HSG test but uses sound waves to build up a picture of the fallopian tubes.
  • Keyhole surgery, known as a laparoscopy. A surgeon makes a small cut in the body and inserts a tiny camera to take pictures of the fallopian tubes from inside.
 A laparoscopy is the most accurate test for blocked tubes. However, doctors may not recommend this test as an early diagnosis because it is invasive and cannot treat the issue.

A doctor may be able to suggest a possible diagnosis based on medical history. For example, a woman may have had a burst appendix in the past. If the woman has had difficulty conceiving, this could suggest blocked fallopian tubes as a likely cause.

Treatment and surgery
It may be possible to open blocked fallopian tubes surgically. However, this depends on the extent of the scarring and where the blockage is.

Surgery aims to open the fallopian tube using one of the following methods:
  • removing scar tissue
  • making a new opening on the outside of the fallopian tube
  • opening the fallopian tube from the inside
Most surgeons will carry out the procedure using keyhole surgery.

Surgery aims to open the fallopian tubes to improve a woman’s chance of conceiving. Whether or not a woman will be able to conceive after surgery is affected by:
  • her age
  • the health of her partner’s sperm
  • the level of fallopian tube damage
If surgery is unsuccessful, a doctor may recommend in vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF involves placing fertilized eggs directly into the womb, which means that the fallopian tubes are not involved in pregnancy.

Possible complications
Surgery to open the fallopian tubes carries the same potential complications as any surgery. These include:

However, keyhole surgery is relatively low-risk.

One risk of pregnancy after surgery is an ectopic pregnancy, meaning that a fertilized egg gets stuck outside of the womb, often in a fallopian tube. The egg will not develop, and there can be a risk to a woman’s health.

Women who have tubal surgery should see a doctor as soon as they find they are pregnant to check for an ectopic pregnancy.

Natural Remedies

Blocked fallopian tubes are a common cause of infertility in women. They can affect fertility in two ways : by preventing sperm from reaching an egg, and by preventing a fertilized egg from making its way to the uterus.

In fact, blocked fallopian tubes are responsible for 25–30% of all infertility cases. The fallopian tubes may become blocked due to damage, inflammation, or scarring. This can happen as a result of:

  • Previous infections, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea
  • Fibroids
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Endometriosis
  • Previous ectopic pregnancy
  • Previous surgery

Quitting smoking

Smoking can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. This occurs when an embryo grows outside of the uterus, in the fallopian tube.

When nicotine from cigarettes breaks down, it produces a substance called cotinine. Cotinine reduces production of a gene within the fallopian tubes, called BAD.

A reduction in the BAD gene changes the environment of the fallopian tube, making it similar to that of the uterus. This can cause the embryo to start developing in the fallopian tube instead of traveling to the uterus. This is called ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancies can scar and damage the fallopian tubes, leading to fallopian tube blockages and infertility.

Smoking can also cause other issues with fertility, such as:
  • an increased rate of egg loss
  • decreased sperm quality
  • a doubling of the rate of infertility, compared with people who do not smoke

Avoiding alcohol

Alcohol consumption can have a negative effect on fertility and pregnancy. For example, drinking alcohol while trying to conceive may have the following effects:
  • reducing fecundability, which is the likelihood of getting pregnant within one menstrual cycle
  • reducing ovarian reserves, which refers to the amount and quality of eggs in the ovaries
  • increasing the production of steroid hormones
  • reducing sperm quality

Currently, there is no research investigating the effects of alcohol consumption on the health of the fallopian tubes.

However, people who are trying to conceive should try to avoid alcohol. If a woman is pregnant and does not know it yet, it is possible to harm the fetus and increase the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Reducing stress level

People may find that reducing their stress levels has a positive effect on their fertility. Physical activity may have a positive effect on fertility. The American Society for Reproductive 

Medicine suggests the following activities for lowering stress:
  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Trying meditation
  • Trying visualization
  • Journaling
  • Reading self-help books
  • Practicing yoga
  • Walking or hiking
  • Trying massage therapy

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements are plant-derived products which some people believe can help with different bodily functions, including fertility. Herbal supplements are non-pharmaceutical, and some may have side effects during pregnancy, so it’s extremely important to work with your healthcare provider to make sure that any herbal supplement you use is safe to take.

So while you should definitely consult your Nutritionist / Healthcare provider before getting started.
1. Vitamin C :
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation by helping your immune system function well. For this reason, it’s thought to heal scarring and could have a positive effect in the fallopian tubes. According to the studies for Dietary Supplements, it’s best to get all your vitamin C from your diet. However, it can also be taken in a supplement. Vitamin C isn’t stored in the body so it must be taken in every day.

In high amounts, vitamin C can cause diarrhea and stomachache. Otherwise, there aren’t any serious side effects.


2. Turmeric :

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to reduce inflammation. You can consume curcumin in supplement form, add turmeric to your food, or have a turmeric drink.
There are no known side effects of turmeric when taken in small doses. However, in doses of more than 8 grams per day, it can have an adverse effect.

3. Ginger :

A common ingredient with multiple benefits, ginger is another natural anti-inflammatory. A 2014 paper showed that gingerol, the active ingredient in ginger, is both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory.
4. Garlic :
Garlic is often suggested as a way to boost fertility and unblock tubes. A 2004 study on the fertility benefits of garlic suggested that it might be able to improve fertility. More evidence is needed to confirm this.
Beyond that dated study, there isn’t any evidence that garlic can improve fertility. That said, a moderate amount of garlic is perfectly safe to intake as Supplement, so it might be worth trying and there are other health benefits of adding garlic to your diet.

5. Lodhra :

A commonly-used Ayurvedic treatment, lodhra is sometimes recommended to boost fertility and unblock fallopian tubes. It also helps to recover in PCOD.

6. Dong quai :

A plant frequently used in Chinese herbal medicine, dong quai is often recommended for fallopian tube blockages. It’s one of the most commonly used Chinese herbs for treating reproductive issues.

According to a 2015 meta-analysis, Chinese herbal medicine could double the pregnancy rates in female infertility. The analysis looked at a total of 4,247 women in treatment for infertility. However, no studies have specifically looked at whether dong quai could unblock fallopian tubes.

7. Siberian Ginseng :

A relatively new herb on the fertility scene, Siberian ginseng is recognized for its ability to effectively fight fatigue, and to normalize the hormonal balance in females, contributing to its status as a very effective fertility-booster.

8. Royal Jelly:
An increasingly popular super food to boost fertility is Royal Jelly. It has been an effective medicinal remedy and nutritional supplement. 

This supplementation is believed to support optimal hormonal balance, promote overall vitality, thus enhancing the chances of conceiving. It is used in the nutrition of larvae and the adult queen bees and is produced by worker honey bees. It is secreted from the glands of the nurse bee and fed to all the larvae. The milky secretion is used by the bees to nurture the queen bee. Some people use this wonderful secretion as a medicine. It is not be confused with bee venom or bee pollen.

9. Chasteberry :
Also known as Vitex agnus-castus, this fruit of the Chaste tree has the effect of signaling for the brain to produce more luteinizing hormone, the hormone that triggers ovulation. This in turn helps the ovaries produce more progesterone, which is critical for supporting an early pregnancy. Chasteberry also promotes regular ovarian functioning, and can help normalize the hormone balance overall to assist in managing PMS symptoms.

10. Red clover:
This is a herb recognized for its ability to improve circulatory functioning, which carries with it a multitude of fertility benefits. Improved circulatory functioning is excellent for both your ovaries and uterus, as they need healthy blood flow in order to work at their peak. Because it improves circulation, red clover can also help promote more, and more fertile, cervical fluid.

11. Red raspberry leaf:
Also used by a lot of people during pregnancy, red raspberry leaf is packed with critical vitamins and minerals for boosting your fertility. There are indications that red raspberry leaf can help strengthen the uterine lining, and lengthen a short luteal phase, so there are definite fertility benefits besides just being high in Vitamin C and Vitamin E. But healthcare providers are split on the safety of red raspberry leaf during pregnancy, so like any herbal supplement, you should do your research and speak with your provider before beginning a regimen.
12. Black cohosh:
Another herb that helps promote a strong, healthy uterine lining, black cohosh is recognized not just for its fertility benefits, but also for managing painful periods due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Black cohosh isn’t so safe for pregnancy, however, so you should really only use it under a healthcare provider’s supervision.

13. Omega-3 Fatty acid with DHA:
Scientists have identified a link between a higher intake of Omega-3 fatty acids and decreased levels of inflammation in the body. It may help reduce inflammation in the fallopian tubes. More specifically, several human and animal studies suggest that increasing one’s EPA and DHA intake through diet or supplementation has the potential to prolong certain reproductive functions into advanced maternal age.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Overcome Cervical spondylosis naturally

Cervical Spondylosis:

Cervical spondylosis is a condition that causes deterioration of the vertebrae, discs, and ligaments in the neck or cervical spine. Other names are arthritis of the neck, cervical osteoarthritis, or degenerative osteoarthritis. The cervical spine refers to the seven small vertebrae that form the neck. They start at the base of the skull.

In cervical spondylosis, the edges of the vertebrae often develop bone spurs called osteophytes. Over time, the discs get thinner, and their ability to absorb shock is lost, increasing the risk of symptoms. Swollen neck joints, called facet joints, can press or pinch nearby nerve roots or the spinal cord itself, resulting in tingling or “pins and needles” in the extremities and sometimes even pain in the limbs. In some cases, there may be a loss of feeling and coordination. Some people may have difficulty walking.

Most people experience degenerative changes as they get older. The AAOS add that over 85 percent of people over the age of 60 years live with cervical spondylosis.

Cervical spondylosis is usually symptomless. When symptoms do occur, they tend to resolve over time, often without treatment. If symptoms occur, treatment can help to reduce the impact. Muscle relaxants are useful if the person has neck spasms, in which the neck muscles tighten suddenly. Options include cyclobenzaprine and similar muscle relaxants.
Symptoms of Cervical spondylosis:
In most cases, there is just a pain in the neck, stiffness, and the occasional headache. Neck pain may spread to the shoulders, arms and hands, and the base of the skull. Moving the head may make the pain worse.

Neck stiffness is more common after a long period of inactivity, for example, after sleeping. Headaches tend to start at the back of the head and then gradually move to the upper half of the front. Sometimes, these changes result in a compression of the blood vessels. This can affect the blood supply to the brain, possibly resulting in dizziness and even blackouts.

Other, less frequent, problems may include loss of bowel or bladder function and coordination difficulties. Arms and legs may become weak, and there may be lack of dexterity. Some people may have dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, if the bones press against the esophagus. 
  • Hot and Cold Therapy
  • Herbal Cure
  • Yoga
  • Diet & Nutrition 
Hot and Cold Therapy

Hot and cold therapy reduces swelling by causing a decrease in the diameter of blood vessels. This can also numb deep pain caused by cervical spondylosis. It is also useful in reducing muscle spasms.

Herbal Cure

If you have been diagnosed with cervical spondylosis, there are various alternatives you can opt to cure the pain. Intake of turmeric, fenugreek, ginger, triphla, aloe vera and guggulu can help you overcome the pain. Planning for Ayurvedic treatment? Here’s what you need to keep in mind. It requires general changes in a person’s diet. The way he or she lives life also defines a healthy lifestyle. For better results, in order to get rid of cervical spondylosis, it is important to stay away from eating fried food or food that is either sour or bitter.
Neck Massage
One of the best ways to cure deep pain is getting a massage done. This is a great way to relax your muscles. A gentle therapy can work out tight muscles and relieve muscle spasms. In most of the cases, physical therapy is the first nonsurgical treatment.
You can consult the doctor and ask for specific exercises to relieve pain and stretch weakened or strained muscles. Generally, posture therapy or the use of traction to gently stretch the joints advised in cervical spondylosis.


Most of them have started realising the importance and benefits of yoga and pilates. Both the exercises work on the mind-body connection to help you focus on your breathing. Yoga and pilates relax your muscle and strengthen your spinal muscles. However, you can consult the doctor before following any of the exercises.

Role of Nutrition Supplements and Diet for Cervical spondylosis
Calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin D and a host of hormonal, dietary and emotional factors play a major role in the integrity of the locomotor system. The delicate balance between these factors permits many things to go wrong in this system-for instance a deficiency in calcium will cause the entire matrix of the bone to become weaker, or an upset in the Calcium: Phosphorus ratio can cause demineralisation of the bone. Proper diet should be consumed to maintain our bones and joints in a healthy condition. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet has their unique roles in maintaining the bone mineral metabolism of the body.
Non-vegetarian diet
Meat is a rich source of sulphur which can change the pH of blood. Same impact is observed in the case of fried foods, spicy foods and sour foods. Meat has the heaviest acid load due to the rich sulphur content which increases the acidity of the blood leading to the demineralization of bones. Many surveys have demonstrated that post-menopausal women who are vegetarians have a higher bone mineral content as compared to their non-vegetarian (omnivorous) counter parts.
Furthermore there is a very strong relationship between joint pains like 'frozen shoulder and cervical spondylosis and the kind of food eaten. Fried foods, spicy, oily foods, excessive meats and refined foods like sweets, confectionery, bread and other refined wheat products are the main incriminating factors in joint diseases. The kind of food leads to excess acid load in the blood which the kidneys are unable to cope with. Hence this acid cause’s inflammation of all joints, deterioration of intervertebral discs hence the disc compression.
Constipation also initiates the formation of toxins in the gut, which get absorbed into the blood and increase its acidity. This, too, contributes, along with other factors, in the development of CS and bone demineralisation.
Hormones like oestrogen, testosterone, adrenocortical hormones, thyroid and growth hormone also play a very major role in the maintenance of normal body structure and function. A strong link between hormonal activity and the kind of food we eat has been established in several studies.
Vegetarian diet
A vegetarian diet, which is rich in fibre and, in the uncooked form, contains a lot of vitamins and minerals proves very beneficial as it prevents constipation, removes toxic matter from the gastrointestinal tract, thereby preventing increased acidity of the blood. The increased amounts of minerals and vitamins in vegetarian foods contribute richly to the smooth functioning of bone metabolism. The acidity (sulphur related) of a non-vegetarian diet initiates and perpetuates bone demineralisation as seen by serial bone mineral density studies done by direct photon absorptiometry. In contrast the vegetarian diet which contains predominantly uncooked food doesn't have this disadvantage. However, fried foods, spicy foods and excessively sour foods-whether vegetarian or non-vegetarian are detrimental to bone, cartilage and joint integrity.

Lacto vegetarianism
It is a common conception that vegetarians lack calcium in their diet and as a result they suffer from bone demineralisation leading to osteoporosis and osteomalacia. This is not true in the case of a lactovegetarian because milk and its products are a very rich source of calcium which is easily available to man. However, there are reports and it is our experience that as age advances the digestion of milk becomes more and more difficult owing to decreased gastric acid, enzyme content. The maldigestion of milk not only gives gastrointestinal discomfort but also gives an increased acid burden to the body which leads to joint pains and aggravation of arthritis. Cottage cheese (also known as paneer or clabbered milk) and whey (the water obtained during the preparation of cottage cheese) are excellent calcium sources for a vegetarian and are much less toxic than the non-vegetarian sources of protein.
Analysis of the available data shows that vegetarian diets prevent the progression of neck and shoulder pain and the demineralization of bones due to the high fibre, vitamin & mineral content and low acid content.
Vegetarian sources of calcium
A. Milk
B. Cottage cheese
C. Almonds
D. Pulses (though bound to phytate)
E. Seeds especially Sesame , Sunflower
F. Cheddar Cheese
G. Swiss Cheese
H. Soya beans and their products like TOFU (bean curd)
Factors preventing calcium absorption
A.  Foods containing oxalic acids. e.g. spinach, lotus stem, horsegram
B.  Lack of Vitamin D.
C.  Overuse of proteins like meat, fish, poultry, eggs, etc.
D. Excessive use common salt, alcohol, coffee, tobacco, fat and soft drinks containing phosphorus
Easy dietary tips for Cervical Spondylosis
Apart from Physical exercise, Meditation and Yoga diet plays a very important part in decreasing the problem of cervical spondylosis. Patient must have four meals a day which includes salad of steamed vegetables, raw vegetables, whole-wheat bread sprouts and milk. Intake of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Phosphorus, Calcium, Proteins (Soya Protein from plant source) are also useful. Taking lemon juice mixed with salt at least 2-3 times a day. Additional intake of Chebulic Myrobalan (Haritaki) following meals also found very effective. Habitual consumption of 2-3 cloves of Garlic in the morning decreases the problem of Cervical Spondylosis.
Fruits and vegetables- Vitamins C & A content of fruits and vegetables fight against free radicals responsible for inflammation and help to reduce painful swelling around the neck.
  • Fish, nuts and oil seeds are rich sources of Omega-3 Fatty acids and Vitamin E acting against inflammation.
  • Apple, Garlic, Ginger and Turmeric are also Anti-inflammatory.
  • Avoid Red meat, White potato and Coffee as it increase acid load in the body Include Fruit Juice and Vegetable Soup in the routine diet.
  • Diet rich in mono-unsaturated Fatty acid help to reduce inflammation.
  • Avoid spicy, hot, salty oily foods
  • Replace rice with wheat
  • Add more bitter vegetables like Bitter gourd and Drumstick in the routine food.