Breastfeeding moms sometimes worry about the
quality of their breast milk. Fortunately, the milk you make for your baby is
almost always nutritionally ideal for your child. Even severely malnourished
mothers produce great breast milk, because the body takes nutrients from the
mother's own body to supply the baby. If you're still worried, there are some
things you can look at to reassure yourself that you are giving your baby the
very best food every time you nurse.
Step -1
your own diet for vitamins and minerals. While breast milk will usually have
all of the essential vitamins and minerals your baby needs no matter what you
eat, there are a few areas you should watch out for. If you are a vegan, your
milk could be deficient in vitamin B12, which is only found in animal products.
A vitamin supplement can easily keep your own levels up so that your baby gets
enough, too; you should get your doctor's approval before taking supplements of
any kind, particularly if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. Vitamin D, which is
produced by your body during sunlight exposure, is another area of concern for
breastfeeding moms and babies who don't get much sun.
Step -2
Take stock of the fats you eat. A breastfed baby
will get whatever kinds of fats you do, so if your diet is high in trans fats,
your milk might also be high in these unhealthy fats. Mothers who consume a lot
of fish and flaxseed have higher levels of brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids
in their milk, so if you don't get a lot of these foods, your milk might be considered
of lower quality than some other mothers' milk, although it's still of higher
quality than any infant formula. Omega-6 fats, found in butter, eggs and
sunflower oil, are another important type that contributes to breast milk
Step -3
Observe your baby's diapers. Your infant's output
can tell you a lot about the quality of your milk, as well as the quantity. If
your baby has at least three bowel movements a day by the middle of the first
week up through the sixth week, this indicates a good intake of high-quality
Step -4
Chart your baby's weight gain. A breastfed baby
should return to his birth weight by 2 weeks and gain about an ounce a day
during the first few months of life. However, if your baby is falling behind on
the weight and height charts at your pediatrician's office, the problem is more
likely to be quantity, not quality, so talk to your doctor or a lactation
consultant about ways to increase supply.
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