Saturday 7 March 2015

Food Plan : Belly fat reducion

The fix lies in replacing the sugar and starch with fiber and raising the protein while normalizing the fat. The foods with the highest ratio of fiber relative to starch are vegetables (beans, corn and potatoes are considered starch, especially when trying to lose fat), and foods highest in protein are eggs, and all lean cuts of meat. While cheese and yogurt are also high in protein, they can add to the fat and sugar burden, so use dairy foods in small amounts.

For exercise, make your dominant form of activity fast-paced metabolically demanding weight training. Weight training done the right way is better at burning fat, balancing hormones and is great for your heart.

Breakfast -- eggs and 10 bites or less of starch
Snack -- tuna and veggies
Lunch -- salad with chicken on top 
Snack -- apple and a handful of almonds
Dinner -- steak, double veggies and 10 bites or less of starch
Circuit Weight Training (20 minutes, 4 exercises -- squat/press, push-up/rows, back row, lunge/curl) -- Do 12 of each exercise and immediately go to the next one. 

Don't take structured rests, instead push until you can't and rest until you can (what we call rest-based training). See how many rounds you can do in 20 minutes.

Interval Training (20 minutes) -- If you're overweight, use a stationary bike, or if you like to run, do sprints on the track. Go hard for 20 seconds, then rest for 40 seconds. Then hard for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds. Then hard for 40 seconds, rest for 20 seconds. Then hard for one minute, rest for one minute. Repeat this routine four times.
Walking -- Walking is not considered exercise -- it's a necessity that lowers cortical. Include a walk after each workout.
Sleep (8-10 hours a night) -- Make sleep a priority. Getting enough sleep is about choices. For some, it's cutting out that last television show of the night. For others, it's accepting the fact that not everything on the to-do list can be done in one day.
Monday -- Circuit weight training, walk
Tuesday -- Interval training, walk
Wednesday -- Circuit weight training, walk
Thursday -- Interval training, walk
Friday -- Circuit weight training, walk
Saturday -- Cardio (run or bike), walk
Sunday -- Rest

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