1. Extra Virgin Olive
Oil is composed mainly of the essential fatty
acid oleic acid, one of the body’s key building blocks for synthesizing
2. Avocado Oil also contains a high concentration of oleic acid as well as several
other nutrients which have a positive impact on all parts of the body.
3. Real Grass-fed Butter, despite being vilified by the low-fat / no-fat diet trends that many
of us grew up hearing about, provides the body with natural cholesterol which
is necessary to produce healthy hormones.
4. Cold-pressed Virgin Coconut Oil provides the body with lauric acid, a medium-chain triglyceride
which improves not only hormone production, but also overall cholesterol
levels, skin health, and much more.
5. Raw Spinach is at the top of the list of foods highest magnesium, an essential
mineral needed for over a hundred enzymatic processes including hormone
6. Kale and other dark
leafy greens, just like spinach provide the body with a boost of natural
magnesium, as well as iron and zinc which are also necessary for hormone
7. Cod Liver Oil is a potent source of vitamin D. If you don’t spend much time outdoors
soaking up sunlight, give your body a boost of this hormone-healthy vitamin by
taking a daily cod liver oil supplement.
8. Wild-Caught Salmon and other cold-water fish like mackerel, sardines, tuna, and trout are
another great source of natural vitamin D, as well as protein and omega-3 fatty
acids which the body needs to properly synthesize hormones.
9. Portobello Mushrooms are the best vegetable source of vitamin D. When shopping for mushrooms,
try to find varieties which have been grown under real sunlight for the highest
vitamin D content.
10. Real Gelatin, not the kind that you find in pre-packaged desserts, is full of vitamins
and minerals which are perfect for improving hormone health.
11. Soy Products like tofu are often fortified with hormone-healthy vitamin D, in
addition to being an excellent source of lean vegetarian protein.
12. Walnuts and Almonds are packed with antioxidants and protein which improve the body’s
ability to balance hormone production. As an added bonus, munching on these
foods between meals will cut down on cravings for packaged snacks full of
hormone-damaging simple sugars and polyunsaturated fats.
13. Free-Range Poultry is an excellent source of health proteins and fats, as well as vitamins
which go a long way toward achieving hormone balance.
14. Grass-Fed Red Meat is another great source of protein, zinc, iron, and B vitamins, all of
which have a positive effect on endocrine health.
15. Free-Range Eggs (specifically the yolk) also provide high concentrations of vitamins,
proteins, and hormone-healthy fats.
16. Oysters and other shellfish also provide the body with a potent dose of zinc and
other minerals needed for balancing hormones.
17. Pumpkin Seeds which provide protein, healthy plant sterols, and minerals that improve
hormone health. The next time you carve up a jack-o-lantern, save the seeds and
roast them to create a delicious, healthy, all-natural snack.
18. Himalayan Pink Salt is a wonderful alternative to the copious amounts of table salt consumed
by the average person at meal times. While you’ll still want to use iodized
sodium chloride (your body needs iodine, too!) consider adding this amazing
natural salt with its 84 different trace minerals to your hormone-healthy diet.
19. Apple Cider Vinegar is well-known for the many health benefits it provides. Among them
is the ability to help the body naturally balance hormone production.
20. Sprouts, whether they
be alfalfa, broccoli, kale or any other variety pack a massive punch when it
comes to vitamins and minerals. Add them to salads, sandwiches, and wraps or
eat them by themselves to help your body balance hormones.
21. Lentils and other beans contain iron and proteins necessary for peak hormone
22. Asparagus is full of fiber and antioxidants which improve digestion, reduce free-radical
damage to cells, and help the body to properly synthesize hormones.
23. Broccoli and other Brassicas (cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, etc) also
provide antioxidants.
24. Sweet Bell Peppers are a potent source of antioxidant vitamin C (the highest of any natural
food!) as well as flavonoids which can help improve hormone health in addition
to protecting the body from oxidative damage.
25. Tomatoes are
another excellent source of hormone healthy flavonoids, as well as calcium –
another mineral needed for proper digestion and hormone balance.
26. Carrots are high
in antioxidants and minerals like potassium which are great for cellular
regeneration, hormone balance, and overall health.
27. Sweet Potato and other colorful starchy root veggies also contain high
concentrations of minerals like potassium, as well as antioxidants and
28. Brightly-Colored Squash varieties like butternut and spaghetti are also at the top of the
list of veggies high in hormone-healthy vitamins and minerals.
29. Beets are rich
with flavonoids, fiber, vitamins and minerals which provide many health
benefits like aiding in digestion and hormone balance.
30. Garlic is by
far one of the world’s healthiest foods! In addition to being antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory, garlic (and to a lesser extent onions, chives, scallions,
shallots, etc) contain ultra-high concentrations of the organosulfur compound
allicin which improve the body’s ability to metabolize iron, an important part
of balancing hormones.
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