Wednesday 9 May 2018

Foods that Balance your Hormones Naturally

1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is composed mainly of the essential fatty acid oleic acid, one of the body’s key building blocks for synthesizing hormones.
2. Avocado Oil also contains a high concentration of oleic acid as well as several other nutrients which have a positive impact on all parts of the body.

3. Real Grass-fed Butter, despite being vilified by the low-fat / no-fat diet trends that many of us grew up hearing about, provides the body with natural cholesterol which is necessary to produce healthy hormones.
4. Cold-pressed Virgin Coconut Oil provides the body with lauric acid, a medium-chain triglyceride which improves not only hormone production, but also overall cholesterol levels, skin health, and much more.

5. Raw Spinach is at the top of the list of foods highest magnesium, an essential mineral needed for over a hundred enzymatic processes including hormone synthesis.
6. Kale and other dark leafy greens, just like spinach provide the body with a boost of natural magnesium, as well as iron and zinc which are also necessary for hormone health.

7. Cod Liver Oil is a potent source of vitamin D. If you don’t spend much time outdoors soaking up sunlight, give your body a boost of this hormone-healthy vitamin by taking a daily cod liver oil supplement.

8. Wild-Caught Salmon and other cold-water fish like mackerel, sardines, tuna, and trout are another great source of natural vitamin D, as well as protein and omega-3 fatty acids which the body needs to properly synthesize hormones.

9. Portobello Mushrooms are the best vegetable source of vitamin D. When shopping for mushrooms, try to find varieties which have been grown under real sunlight for the highest vitamin D content.

10. Real Gelatin, not the kind that you find in pre-packaged desserts, is full of vitamins and minerals which are perfect for improving hormone health.

11. Soy Products like tofu are often fortified with hormone-healthy vitamin D, in addition to being an excellent source of lean vegetarian protein.

12. Walnuts and Almonds are packed with antioxidants and protein which improve the body’s ability to balance hormone production. As an added bonus, munching on these foods between meals will cut down on cravings for packaged snacks full of hormone-damaging simple sugars and polyunsaturated fats.

13. Free-Range Poultry is an excellent source of health proteins and fats, as well as vitamins which go a long way toward achieving hormone balance.

14. Grass-Fed Red Meat is another great source of protein, zinc, iron, and B vitamins, all of which have a positive effect on endocrine health.

15. Free-Range Eggs (specifically the yolk) also provide high concentrations of vitamins, proteins, and hormone-healthy fats.

16. Oysters and other shellfish also provide the body with a potent dose of zinc and other minerals needed for balancing hormones.

17. Pumpkin Seeds which provide protein, healthy plant sterols, and minerals that improve hormone health. The next time you carve up a jack-o-lantern, save the seeds and roast them to create a delicious, healthy, all-natural snack.

18. Himalayan Pink Salt is a wonderful alternative to the copious amounts of table salt consumed by the average person at meal times. While you’ll still want to use iodized sodium chloride (your body needs iodine, too!) consider adding this amazing natural salt with its 84 different trace minerals to your hormone-healthy diet.
19. Apple Cider Vinegar is well-known for the many health benefits it provides. Among them is the ability to help the body naturally balance hormone production.

20. Sprouts, whether they be alfalfa, broccoli, kale or any other variety pack a massive punch when it comes to vitamins and minerals. Add them to salads, sandwiches, and wraps or eat them by themselves to help your body balance hormones.

21. Lentils and other beans contain iron and proteins necessary for peak hormone health.

22. Asparagus is full of fiber and antioxidants which improve digestion, reduce free-radical damage to cells, and help the body to properly synthesize hormones.

23. Broccoli and other Brassicas (cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, etc) also provide antioxidants.

24. Sweet Bell Peppers are a potent source of antioxidant vitamin C (the highest of any natural food!) as well as flavonoids which can help improve hormone health in addition to protecting the body from oxidative damage.

25. Tomatoes are another excellent source of hormone healthy flavonoids, as well as calcium – another mineral needed for proper digestion and hormone balance.

26. Carrots are high in antioxidants and minerals like potassium which are great for cellular regeneration, hormone balance, and overall health.

27. Sweet Potato and other colorful starchy root veggies also contain high concentrations of minerals like potassium, as well as antioxidants and carotenoids.

28. Brightly-Colored Squash varieties like butternut and spaghetti are also at the top of the list of veggies high in hormone-healthy vitamins and minerals.

29. Beets are rich with flavonoids, fiber, vitamins and minerals which provide many health benefits like aiding in digestion and hormone balance.

30. Garlic is by far one of the world’s healthiest foods! In addition to being antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, garlic (and to a lesser extent onions, chives, scallions, shallots, etc) contain ultra-high concentrations of the organosulfur compound allicin which improve the body’s ability to metabolize iron, an important part of balancing hormones.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Role of Vitamins, Minerals and hormones in helping our optimum health, wellness and performance

When we have watched a football or cricket match or witnessed a trapeze artist execute an impressive aerial feat, you know that balance can be vitally important to an athlete’s performance. When we consider the internal workings of the body—especially concerning hormones, vitamins, and minerals—balance becomes even more vital, since each of these is interconnected and none can be maintained at optimal levels when another is out of balance.
In order to understand what these substances actually do, we need to look at their definitions and how they work chemically within the body. Many friends and family will tell you that they take vitamins or minerals, but often they are not sure themselves what these supplements do within the body; they only know that they feel better taking them.
By definition, a vitamin is an organic compound that participates in a chemical reaction within the cells that is necessary for proper nutrition and development in a living animal. Minerals are inorganic substances that also aid normal bodily function; human bodies need sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and many more, to give a few common examples. Hormones are chemical signals produced in one area of the body that take action in another distant area of the body. These three types of substances are all interconnected in the body, because  Hormones cannot be produced without adequate levels of specific vitamins and minerals in our body.
The main goal of keeping vitamins, minerals, and hormones in balance is to manage the aging process. In fact, maintaining adequate levels of these substances can help you age more gracefully in several ways.
The following list will help you understand the function of a few essentials:
An antioxidant that helps protect the cells from cancers, vitamin A is essential for eye health and can be found in produce like carrots, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens.
Better known as riboflavin, vitamin B2 helps turn sugar, fat, and protein into energy.

Better known as niacin, this vitamin helps balance sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood. It also helps with energy production and brain function.


Also known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 is also involved in energy production and the metabolism of fats. It is essential for brain and nerve function, and helps in the production of steroid hormones. This essential vitamin is also a natural antidepressant and diuretic.

This well-known vitamin carries oxygen through the body and is essential for energy production, the synthesis of DNA, and proper nerve function. It plays a crucial role in metabolizing folic acid, which is important for the developing brain and nervous system, as well as for red blood cell formation.

Also called ascorbic acid, vitamin C strengthens the immune system. You probably learned in primary school that you can get plenty of this vital nutrient from citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit, but broccoli and bell peppers will also super-charge your vitamin C levels.


Vitamin D is much more that a vitamin. It functions more like a hormone and has hundreds of beneficial effects, like improving cardiovascular function and nervous system function, and it also helps maintain strong bones. It can even decrease the risk of autoimmune disease, cancer, and dementia. Vitamin D also helps the body optimize its use of oxygen and decreases the risk of the hardening of the arteries.

Vitamin K
This vitamin is necessary for effective blood clotting, and it is also involved in keeping the bones healthy. It helps with immune function and improves response to vaccinations.

When looking to treat hormone deficiencies, the goal should be to get them back to youthful levels. For example, we know that the female hormones estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA all decline with age, as does the male hormone, testosterone. All hormone production requires cholesterol, and when we look at the production of estrogen, we see that there are three main types, the levels of which change with age and can influence health and disease. Post-menopausal women have more type 1 estrogen, and this increases the risk for breast cancer. Progesterone helps balance estrogen and helps improve mood and anxiety levels.
This primarily male hormone has many functions in addition to the development of sexual characteristics. It has a major benefit on the cardiovascular system and also has positive effects on the brain and nervous system.
Thyroid Hormone
This hormone helps maintain the metabolic rate and also influences cholesterol levels, strengthens the heart, decreases blood pressure, and improves the function of the arteries. A thyroid imbalance can lead to excessive weight loss or gain.
Cortisol is the hormone most closely associated with acute stress. When chronically elevated, cortisol becomes very harmful, resulting in muscle wasting, a decline in cognitive function, an increased risk of osteoporosis, decreased immune function, and elevated glucose levels. If these levels remain elevated, adrenal fatigue can occur. 
Melatonin is a tremendously interesting hormone, as it’s produced by almost every living species on the planet. It’s best known for helping regulate sleep, but it also has neuroprotective properties and a multitude of beneficial effects on blood pressure. It acts an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent, and supports the immune system by increasing the effectiveness of other antioxidants.
Now, you’re probably wondering why I’ve gone into such great detail about the chemistry of vitamins, minerals, and hormones, so I’ll circle back to balance in your body and overall health: optimal levels of [Tweet “vitamins, minerals, and hormones are necessary to maximize your exercise potential.”] You cannot achieve success as an athlete without healthy levels of all these components.

In addition to supplying the body with healthy macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates), you also need to supply the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and hormones that utilize these macronutrients. Fats are necessary to produce hormones, but this cannot be done unless the body has optimal levels of vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates are used as fuel for all cells, especially the brain. The hormone insulin is required for this process; without adequate levels of cholesterol and other micronutrients, the body is unable to perform these functions.
It all comes down to your nutrition and daily intake, which is the key to maintaining balance within your body. Balanced nutrition provides you with all the essentials needed to make energy and motion possible. To achieve optimal health and excellent function, you should ask yourself: What can I do today to achieve better health than the day before? By putting healthy food in your body and getting adequate exercise daily, you build a strong foundation for a quality life and advanced longevity.
Finally, remember this helpful equation: “5–9 + 30.” This means eating 5–9 servings of (primarily) vegetables with a few fruits daily, plus (at least) 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise each day. Eat real food, minimize processed foods and unhealthy animal products, get 7–8 hours of quality sleep, do your best to minimize the stress in your life, practice gratitude and compassion, and make health your number-one priority every day.
Enjoy Healthy and Positive Living